Healthy Brain Study - Data Request

Content preliminary data release

The tables on the following pages describe per measure the status of the data in this data release. For each measure, it is mentioned if data has been processed (P), uploaded in repository (U), and if metadata is available (M). The smileys indicate which steps have been completed. We can only issue data if all steps have been done. Although the majority of the data is available from all participants, this may not be the case for all measures as preprocessing is still ongoing in some cases. If you want to request data, please note that the readiness of the data also depends on the type of data (e.g. MRI data requests will take longer than questionnaire data requests). Please note that many of the measures have undergone quality assurance only once. It is still possible that there are mistakes and we hope for your collaboration in finding those. If you are under time pressure or expect perfectly curated data, we kindly ask you to wait for the final data release. If you ask for any data that is not listed in this table as uploaded to repository, please be aware that we might need considerable time to issue this data.

If you want to know more about the measures, please check the protocol paper and the HBS metadata.